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Gospel Team


COCM Gospel Team was established in May 2010. We partner with different local Chinese churches and fellowships to organize student gospel events across UK and European continent between August and November each year. All events are targeted for Mandarin-speaking students. Our work includes conducting evangelistic skills training; organizing evangelistic meetings and providing after-event support. We have traveled to more than 40 cities, organized more than 170 student evangelistic meetings, and partnered with churches in the UK, France, Spain, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands.


Our purpose:

  • Share the gospel to Chinese students in Europe

  • Equip young Christians with a serving heart

  • Establish gospel partnership with local Chinese churches and fellowships

  • Mobilize young Christians for long-term mission 


Our partners:

  • University student fellowships

  • University Chaplaincy

  • Chinese Christian Churches

  • Overseas Short-term mission teams

  • Local European churches

  • Organizations focusing on student work such as Friends International and Christian Union


Our team:

  • Leaders: Maggie and Gordon Lam

  • Core members: COCM staff and volunteers

  • Other members: Recruited from different cities of the UK and European continent


* Member recruitment usually starts between mid April each year; all accepted members must attend a 3-day training at COCM Mission Centre. The training camp is usually held in mid-June at COCM Mission Centre.



The content of our evangelistic meeting is designed for those who have never heard the gospel and includes songs, games, short drama and a gospel message followed by an altar call and counseling after the event. We welcome churches and fellowships to partner with us; and welcome Christians with a heart to share the gospel to come and join our team. 

For enquiries, please contact Maggie Siu.

Phone: 01908 300545




Content of COCM student gospel event


COCM student gospel event includes:

  • Flyer distribution on campus

  • Meal before the event or refreshment after the event

  • Songs composed by young Christians

  • Ice breaking games and games relevant to the theme

  • Original short drama written by Christians 

  • Personal testimony

  • Gospel message

  • After-event counseling


Team Activities:

  • Prayer and Worship before event

  • Group devotion and sharing during the trip

  • Fellowship with location families and brothers and sisters


We develop event theme, which specifically target for young people. Below are the themes we have developed:

  • Pursuing of True Love

  • My Future is Not a Dream

  • Be Different

  • Renewing Your Heart

  • And So We Meet


Gospel Team Event Video

Event Photos



Apply for COCM Gospel Team members


We welcome young Christians from all walks of life to join our team; serving roles include: drivers, welcome helpers, actors/actresses, instrumentalists (pianist, guitarists, drummers, etc), MCs, vocalists, counselors, photographers, AV / PPT controllers, etc.


We expect our team members:

  • Are over 18 years old, have been a Christian for over one year and regularly attends fellowship or church

  • Understand the needs of Chinese students

  • Be able to speak Mandarin and have the heart to share the gospel with Chinese students

  • Willing to serve in a team and take the initiative to talk to people

  • Understand the meaning of serving and willing to commit in whatever role assigned to them in the team


Other important notes:

  • If the number of applicants exceeds the number of members required by COCM Gospel Team, we will select members from applicants according to the needs of the COCM Gospel Team. Accepted members will be notified by early May.

  • All accepted members must attend the gospel team member training camp held in June at COCM Mission Centre (camp fee £30). Members will be informed of the training camp content by mid-May. Those who have attended the training camp before can be exempted but we encourage you to attend because it is a chance to reunite with past members as well as meeting new members.

  • The normal schedule of gospel event begins at 8:30 a.m. We gather at COCM Mission Centre, travel to the event venue and return to COCM Mission Centre after midnight. If needed, COCM will provide accommodation to members the night before and after the event. If the event involves more than one day, we will try our best to provide accommodation for members during the trip. Members have the option to go directly to the event location if they live close to the location, but they must follow the schedule of the gospel teams.

  • If the event is organized in the UK, COCM will provide transportation, meals and accommodation during the event (if we need members to pay for the cost, we will inform members in advance before they make the decision to attend the event). If the event is organized in other European countries, members are responsible for their own visa fees, flights, accommodation and some meal costs.

  • We will assign locations and serving roles to each member according to the needs of COCM Gospel Team and gifts of each member. We will also determine the number of event each member can attend; but we will arrange at least two events to attend for each member if possible.



Partner with COCM Gospel Team


COCM Gospel Team partners with about 15 – 25 churches or student fellowships each year. We will be responsible for the event program and produce promotional flyers for partners. The entire event usually lasts about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Local Churches or students fellowships are responsible for providing the venue, promoting the event, and providing meals or refreshments on the event day. Co-workers from local churches or fellowships are suggested to join the counseling after the event so that they can gain greater understanding about the students who have expressed their interest in knowing more about Christianity.

We hope the Chinese students in different places not only can hear the gospel through our event, but also get to know and attend activities of the local Chinese churches and student fellowships. We hope more churches can become our gospel partners.

If your church would like to invite COCM gospel teams to organize evangelistic meetings in your city, please contact Maggie Siu

on 01908 300545

or email:

2019 COCM student gospel event date, location and partnering churches

4-9-2019 Grenoble Chinese Christian Fellowship, France

6-9-2019 Montpellier Chinese Christian Fellowship, France

8-9-2019 Nice Chinese Christian Church, France

10-9-2019 Wageningen,  The Netherlands

18-9-2019 Sterling Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK

19-9-2019 St. Andrews Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK

20-9-2019 Dundee Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK

28-9-2019 Bristol Chinese Christian Church, UK

29-9-2019 Exeter Chinese Christian Church, UK 

4-10-2019 London Chinese Baptist Church, UK

5-10-2019 Bath Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK 

11-10-2019 Colchester Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK

18-10-2019 Loughborough Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK 

19-10-2019 Guildford Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK 

25-10-2019 Hull Chinese Christian Church, UK

26-10-2019 Liverpool Chinese Gospel Church, UK

1-11-2019  Lancaster Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK

2-11-2019 York Chinese Christian Church, UK 

8-11-2019 Luton Chinese Christian Church, UK

15-11-2019 Canterbury Chinese Christian Fellowship, UK

Past events

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UK Registered Charity No.1135892 Company No.7106567 

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